Join Adjuster Univeristy's


Promote Adjuster University's wide range of courses and products, and start earning today!

How Does it work?

Step 1: Apply

This is an affiliate program managed by Adjuster University.  Simply fill out your application and wait for approval.  In most cases, you'll receive a response within 48 hours!

Step 2: Generate links

After your application is approved, you'll be provided unique links to, specific courses, and webinar registration pages. These links are unique to YOUR affiliate account!

Step 3: Promote

Using your affiliate links, promote and/or its courses or webinars. The potential student's experience will be no different from any else, however, through your links we'll be able to track any sales generated by them that day OR in the future!

Step 4: Get paid

Affiliate commissions are calculated on all purchases from the student. You can view and track the amount owed to you from your Affiliate dashboard. Commissions are paid out regularly via PayPal.

Register a new affiliate account


Commisions up to 40%

no purchasing period limitation

Track your referals and performance easily

Monthly payouts

Instant notifications of earnings and payouts

Why join the program?

No Course Development Costs: The cost to develop and course, much less a school, is expensive! But you wouldn't worry about that as an affiliate. Adjuster University assumes all of the risk in its development of courses.

No Boss or Customer Concerns: There's no need to process refunds or be concerned with what your boss will think of you taking a month off from work so you can cruise the Mediterranean. Any customer complaints or refunds are handled by our staff.

No-Hassle Funnel: After your first sale, it's our responsibility to strengthen the relationship with our new customer by offering additional courses that best fit their needs. While this happens, you're still subject to additional affiliate revenue. You benefit the rewards from a sales funnel without even knowing what it is.

No Geographic Limitations: Organizing nationwide classes or workshops is a complex, logistical nightmare. With our 100% online courses, you can generate sales through courses without leaving home.

High Income Potential & Work Where You Want: As an affiliate of Adjuster University, your income potential is limited only by your desire, effort and imagination. There is no annual meetings or an office for you to report to -- where you work is entirely up to you.

Start earning today!

Insurance Adjuster Training Course